トップページ 業績(英文)

原著・総説 (2005)
Kakizawa S, Miyazaki T, Iino M, WatanabeM, Kano M: Maintenance of presynaptic function by AMPA receptor-mediatedexcitatory postsynaptic activity in adult brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102:19180-19185, 2005. [PMID:16357208]
Iwanaga T, Goto M, Watanabe M:Cellular distribution of glutamate transporters in the gastrointestinal tractof mice. An immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization approach. Biomed. Res. 26:271-278, 2005. [PMID:16415508]
Hirai H, Pang Z, BaoD, Miyazaki T, Li L, Miura E, Parris J, Rong Y, Watanabe M, Yuzaki M, MorganJI: Clbn1 is essential for synaptic integrity and information processing in thecerebellum. Nature Neurosci. 8:1534-1541,2005. [PMID:16234806]
Klausberger T, Marton LF, O’Neill J, Huck JHJ, Dalezios Y, Fuentealba P, SuenW-Y, Papp E, Kaneko T, Watanabe M, Csicsvari J, Somogyi P: Complementary rolesof cholecystokinin and parvalbumin expressing GABAergic neurons in hippocampalnetwork oscillations. J. Neurosci. 25:9782-9793,2005. [PMID:16237182]
Fukaya M, Yamazaki M, Sakimura K, Watanabe M: Spatial diversity in geneexpression for VDCCg subunit family in developing and adultmouse brains. Neurosci. Res. 53:376-383,2005. [PMID:16171881]
Wu Y, Kawakami R, Fukaya M, Sakimura K, Mishina M, Watanabe M, Ito I,Shigemoto R: Target-cell-specific left-right asymmetry of NMDA receptor contentin Schaffer collateral synapses in epsilon1/NR2A knock-out mice. J. Neurosci. 25:9213-9226, 2005. [PMID:16207881]
Abe T, Matsumura S, Katano T, Mabuchi T, Takagi K, Xu L, Yamamoto A, Hattori K,Yagi T, Watanabe M, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, Mishina M, Nakai Y, Ito S: Fynkinase-mediated phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit at Tyr1472 isessential for maintenance of neuropathic pain. Eur. J Neurosci. 22:1445-1454, 2005. [PMID:16190898]
Takahashi Y, Mori H, Mishina M, Watanabe M, Kondo N, Shomomura J, Kubota Y,Matsuda K, Fukushima K, Shiroma M, Akasaka N, Nishida H, Imamura A, Watanabe H,Sugiyama N, Ikezawa M, Fujiwara T: Autoantibodies and cell-mediatedautoimmunity to NMDA-type GluRe2 in patients with Rasmussen’sencephalitis and chronic progressive epilepsia partialis continua. Epilepsia. 46:152-158, 2005. [PMID:15987271]
Tachikawa M, Watanabe M, Hori S, Fukaya M, Ohtsuki S, Asashima1 T, Terasaki T:Distinct spatio-temporal expression of ABCA and ABCG transporters in thedeveloping and adult mouse brain. J. Neurochem. 95:294-304, 2005. [PMID:16181433]
Hoshino M, Nakamura S, Mori K, Kawauchi T, Terao M, Nishimura YV, Fukuda A,Fuse T, Matsuo N, Sone M, Watanabe M, Bito H, Terashima T, Wright CVE, KawaguchiY, Nakao K, Nabeshima Y: Ptf1a, a bHLH transcriptional gene, defines GABAergicneuronal fates in cerebellum. Neuron. 47:201-213, 2005. [PMID:16039563]
Taniguchi M, Masuda T, Fukaya M, Kataoka H,Mishina M, Yaginuma H, Watanabe M, Shimizu T: Identification andcharacterization of a novel member of murine semaphorin family. Genes to Cells. 10:785-792,2005 [PMID:16098142]
Takayasu Y, Iino M, Kakegawa W, Maeno H, Watase K, Wada K, Miyazaki T, WatanabeM, Tanaka K, Ozawa S: Differential roles of glial and neuronal glutamatetransporters in Purkinje cell synapses. J. Neurosci. 25:8788-8793, 2005. [PMID:16177048]
Takeuchi T, Miyazaki T, WatanabeM, Mori H, Sakimura K, Mishina M: Control of synaptic connection by glutamatereceptor d2 in the mature cerebellum. J. Neurosci.25:2146-2156, 2005. [PMID:15728855]
Fukaya M, Hayashi Y, Watanabe M:NR2-to-NR3B subunit conversion of NMDA receptor in early postnatal motoneurons. Eur. J. Neurosci. 21:1432-1436,2005. [PMID:15813953]
Nakashima T, Tomi M, Tachikawa M, WatanabeM, Terasaki T, Hosoya K: Evidence for creatine biosynthesis in Muller glia. Glia. 52:47-52, 2005. [PMID:15892122]
Kinoshita M, Fuyaka M, Tojima T,Kojima S, Ando H, Watanabe M, Urano A, Ito E: Retinotectal transmission in theoptic tectum of rainbow trout. J. Comp.Neurol. 484:249-259, 2005. [PMID:15736228]
Hirai H, Miyazaki T, Kakegawa W,Matsuda S, Mishina M, Watanabe M, Yuzaki M: Rescue of abnbormal phenotypes ofthe d2glutamate receptor-null mice by mutant d2transgenes. EMBO Rep. 6:90-95, 2005.[PMID:15592450]
原著・総説 (2004)
Nagy GG, Watanabe M, Fukaya M, ToddR: Synaptic distribution of the NR1, NR2A, and NR2B subunits of the NMDAreceptor in the rat lumbar spinal cord revealed with an antigen unmaskingtechnique. Eur. J. Neurosci. 20:3301-3312, 2004. [PMID: 15610162]
Yamazaki M, Ohno-Shosaku T, FukayaM, Kano M, Watanabe M, Sakimura K: A novel action of stargazin as an enhancerof AMPA receptor activity. Neurosci. Res.50:369-374, 2004. [PMID: 15567474]
Nakamura M, Sato K,Fukaya M, Araishi K, Aiba A, Kano M, Watanabe M: Signaling complex formation ofphospholipase CB4 with mGluR1a and IP3R1at the perisynapse and endoplasmic reticulum in the mouse brain. Eur. J. Neurosci. 20:2929-2944,2004. [PMID: 15579147]
Oguro K, Miyawaki T, Yokota H, KatoK, Kamiya T, Katayama Y, Fukaya M, Watanabe M, Shimazaki K: Upreguration ofGluR2 decrease intracellular Ca2+ following ischemia in developinggerbils. Neurosci. Lett. 364:101-105, 2004. [PMID: 15196687]
Nakatsu F, Okada M, Mori F, Kamazawa N, Iwasa H, Zhu G, Kasagi Y, Kamiya H.Harada A, Nishimura K, Takeuchi A, Miyazaki T, Watanabe M, Yuasa S, Manabe T,Wakabayashi K, Kaneko S, Saito T, Ohno H: Defective function of GABA-containingsynaptic vesicles in mice lacking the AP-3B clathrin adaptor. J. Cell Biol. 2167:293-302, 2004. [PMID: 15492041]
Kitamura HW, Hamanaka H, Watanabe M,Wada K, Yamazaki C, Fujita SC, Manabe T, Nukina N: Age-dependent enhancement ofhippocampal long-term potentiation in knock-in mice expressing humanapolipoprotein E4 instead of mouse apolipoprotein E. Neurosci. Lett. 369:173-178, 2004. [PMID: 15464259]
Hori S, Ohtsuki S, Tachikawa M,Kimura N, Kondo T, Watanabe M, Nakashima E, Terasaki T: Functional expressionof rat ABCG2 and its enhancement by astrocyte-derived soluble factor(s). J. Neurochem. 90:526-536, 2004. [PMID: 15255930]
Kawano H, Nakatani T, Mori T, Ueno S, Fukaya M,Abe A, Kobayashi M, Toda F, Watanabe M, Matsuoka I: Identification and characterization of noveldevelopmentally regulated neural-specific proteins, BRINP family. Mol. Brain Res. 125:60-75,2004. [PMID: 15193423]
Oshima S, Yamada K, Shirakawa T, WatanabeM: Changes of high-affinity choline transporter expression during degenerationand regeneration of hypoglossal nerves in mice. Neurosci. Lett. 365:97-101, 2004. [PMID: 15245786]
Hama K, Aoki J, Fukaya M, Kishi Y,Sakai T, Suzuki R, Ohta H, Yamori T, Watanabe M, Chun J, Arai H:Lysophosphatidic acid and autotaxin stimulate cell motility of neoplastic andnon-neoplastic cells through LPA1. J. Biol. Chem. 279:17634-17639, 2004. [PMID: 14744855]
Abe M, Fukaya M, Yagi T, Mishina M,Watanabe M, Sakimura K: NMDA Receptor GluRe/NR2subunits are essential for postsynaptic localization and protein stability ofGluRz1/NR1subunit. J. Neurosci. 24:7292-7304,2004. [PMID: 15317856]
Nagy GG, Al-Ayyan M, Andrew D,Fukaya M, Watanabe M, Todd AJ: Widespread expression of the AMPA receptor GluR2subunit at glutamatergic synapses in the rat spinal cord and phosphorylation ofGluR1 in response to noxious stimulation revealed with an antigen unmaskingmethod. J. Neurosci.24:5766-5777,2004. [PMID: 15215299]
Ferraguti F, Cobden P, Pollard M,Cope D, Shigemoto R, Watanabe M, Somogyi P: Immunolocalization of metabotropicglutamate receptor 1a (mGluR1a) indistinct classes of interneuron in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus. Hippocampus. 14:193-215, 2004. [PMID:15098725]
Tachikawa M, Fukaya M, Terasaki T,Ohtsuki S, Watanabe M: Distinct cellular expressions of creatine syntheticenzyme GAMT and creatine kinases uCK-Mi and CK-B suggest novel neuron-glialrelationship for brain energy homeostasis. Eur.J. Neurosci. 20:144-160, 2004. [PMID:16181433]
Nakashima T, Tomi M, Katayama K,Tachikawa M, Watanabe M, Terasaki T, Hosoya K: Blood-to-retina transport ofcreatine via creatine transporter (CRT) at the rat inner blood-brain barrier. J. Neurochem. 89:1454-1461, 2004. [PMID: 15189348]
Fukudome Y, Ohno-Shosaku T, MatsuiM, Omori Y, Fukaya M, Taketo M, Watanabe M, Manabe M, Kano M: Two distinctclasses of muscarinic action on hippoccampal inhibitory synapses: M2-mediateddirect suppression and M1/M3-mediated indirect suppression throughendocannabinoid signaling. Eur. J. Neurosci. 19:2682-2692, 2004. [PMID:15147302]
Somogyi J, Baude A, Omori Y,Shimizu H, Mestikawy SE, Fukaya M, Ryuichi S, Watanabe M, Somogyi P: GABAergicbasket cells expressing cholecystokinin contain vesicular glutamate transportertype 3 (VGLUT3) in their synaptic terminals in hippocampus and isocortex of therat. Eur. J. Neurosci. 19:552-569,2004. [PMID:14984406]
Yoshida K, Furuya S, Osuka S,Mitoma J, Shinoda Y, Watanabe M, Azuma N, Tanaka H, Hashikawa T, Itohara S,Hirabayashi Y: Targeted disruption of the mouse 3-phosphoglyceratedehydrogenase gene causes severe neurodevelopmental defects and results inembryonic lethality. J. Biol. Chem. 279:3573-3577,2004. [PMID:14645240]
Kinoshita N, Kimura K, Matsumoto N,Watanabe M, Fukaya M, Ide C: Mammalian septin Sept2 modulates the activity ofGLAST, a glutamate transporter in astrocytes. Genes Cells. 9:1-14. 2004. [PMID:14723703]
Miyazaki T, Hashimoto K, Shin H-S,Kano M, Watanabe M: P/Q-type Ca2+ channel a1Aregulates synaptic competition on developing cerebellar Purkinje cells. J. Neurosci. 24:1734-1743,2004. [PMID:14973254]
原著・総説 (2003)
Takahashi Y, Mori H, Mishina M, WatanabeM, Fujiwara T, Shimomura J, Aiba H, Miyajima T, Saito Y, Nezu A, Nishida H,Imai K, Sakaguchi N, Kondo N: Autoantibodies to NMDA receptor in patients withchronic forms of epilepsia partialis continua. Neurology.61:891-896, 2003. [PMID:14557555]
Yamashita N, Sakai K, Furuya S, WatanabeM: Selective expression of L-serinesynthetic enzyme 3PGDH in Schwann cells, perineuronal glia, and endoneurialfibroblasts along sciatic nerves and its upregulation after crush injury. Arch. Histol. Cytol. 66:429-436, 2003. [PMID:15018145]
Jourdi H, Iwakura Y, Narisawa-SaitoM, Ibaraki K, Xiong H, Watanabe M, Hayashi Y, Takei N, Nawa H: Brain-derivedneurotrophic factor signal enhances and maintains the expression of AMPAreceptor-associated PDZ proteins in developing cortical neurons. Dev. Biol. 263:216-230, 2003. [PMID:14597197]
Miyata M, Kashiwadani H, Fukaya M,Hayashi T, Wu D, Suzuki T, WatanabeM, Kawakami Y: Role of thalamic phospholipase Cb4mediated by metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1 in inflammatory pain. J. Neurosci. 23:8098-8108, 2003. [PMID:12954872]
Sassoe-Pngnetto M, Utvik JK,Camoletto P, Watanabe M, Stephenson FA, Bredt DS, Ottersen OP: Organization ofpostsynaptic density proteins and glutamate receptors in axodendritic anddendrodendritic synapses of the rat olfactory bulb. J. Comp. Neurol. 463:237-248, 2003. [PMID:12820158]
Miyazaki T, Fukaya M, Shimizu H, WatanabeM: Subtype switching of vesicular glutamete transporters at parallelfibre-Purkinje cell synapses in developing mouse cerebellum. Eur. J. Neurosci. 17:2563-2572, 2003. [PMID:12823463]
Somogyi P, Dalezios Y, Lujan R,Roberts DB, Watanabe M, Shigemoto R: High level of mGluR7 in the presynapticactive zones of select populations of GABAergic terminals innervatinginterneurones in the rat hippocampus. Eur.J. Neurosci. 17:2503-2520, 2003. [PMID:12823458]
Shibata T, Watanabe M, Ichikawa R,Ameda K, Koyanagi T: Transient neonatal expression of NR2B/2D subunit mRNAs ofthe N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in the parasympathetic preganglionic neuronsin the rat spinal cord. Dev. Brain Res.140:263-268, 2003. [PMID:12586431]
FukayaM, Kato A, Lovett C, Tonegawa S, Watanabe M: Retentionof NMDA receptor NR2 subunits in the lumen of endoplasmic reticulum in targetedNR1 knockout mice. Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA. 100:4855-4860, 2003. [PMID:12676993]
Kakizawa S, Yamada K, Watanabe M,Kano M: Effects of insulin-like growth factor I on climbing fiber synapseelimination during cerebellar development. Eur. J. Neurosci. 17:545-554, 2003. [PMID:12581172]
Sakai K, Shimizu H, Koike T, FuruyaS, Watanabe M: Neutral amino acid transporter ASCT1 is preferentially expressedin L-Ser-synthetic/storingglial cells in the mouse with transient expression in developing capillaries. J. Neurosci. 223:550-560, 2003. [PMID:12533615]
原著・総説 (2002)
Saito T, Fujimoto W, Yanase H, WatanabeM, Iwanaga T: Immunohistochemical localization of serotonin transporter in theadrenal chromaffin cells and mast cells of mice. Biomed. Res. 23:277-286, 2002.
Kinoshita M, Kojima S, Sato K, WatanabeM, Urano A, Ito E: Multiple-site optical recording for characterization offunctional synaptic organization of the optic tectum of rainbow trout. Eur. J. Neurosci. 16:868-876, 2002. [PMID:12372023]
Nakamura K, Tanoue K, Satoh T,Takekawa M, Watanabe M, Shima H, Kikuchi K: A novel low-molecular-massdual-specificity phosphatase, LDP-2, with a naturally occurring substitutionthat affects substrate specificity. J. Biochem. 132:463-470, 2002. [PMID:12204117]
Ohtsuki S, Tachikawa M, Takanaga H,Shimizu H, Watanabe M, Hosoya K, Terasaki T: The blood-brain barrier creatinetransporter is a major pathway for supplying creatine to the brain. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 22:1327-1335,2002. [PMID:12439290]
Toyooka K, Iritani S, Makifuchi T,Shirakawa O, Kitamura K, Maeda K, Nakamura, R, Niizato K, Watanabe M, Kakita A,Takahashi H, Someya T, Nawa N: Selective reduction of a PDZ protein, SAP-97, inthe prefrontal cortex of patients with chronic schizophrenia. J. Neurochem. 83:797-806, 2002. [PMID:12421351]
Miura M, Watanabe M, Offermanns S,Simon MI, Kano M: Group I mGluR signaling via Gaq/Ga11secures the induction of long-term potentiation in the hippocampal area CA1. J. Neurosci. 22:8379-8390, 2002. [PMID:12351712]
Ichikawa R, Miyazaki T, Kano M,Hashikawa T, Tatsumi H, Sakimura K, Mishina M, Inoue Y, Watanabe M: Distalextension of climbing fiber territory and multiple innervation caused byaberrant wiring to adjacent spiny branchlets in cerebellar Purkinje cellslacking glutamate receptor GluRd2. J. Neurosci. 22:8487-8503, 2002. [PMID:12351723]
Nakazawa K, Quirk MC, Chitwood RA, Watanabe M, YeckelMF, Sun LD, Kato A, Carr CA, Jhonston D, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S: Requirement forhippocampal CA3 NMDA receptors in associative memory recall. Science. 297:211-218, 2002. [PMID:12040087]
Oshima S, Fukaya M, Nagashima M, Shirakawa T, Oguchi H, Watanabe M: Early onset of NMDA receptorGluRe1 (NR2A) expressionand its abundant postsynaptic localization in developing motoneurons of themouse hypoglossal nucleus. Neurosci. Res. 43:239-250, 2002. [PMID:12103442]
Miyagi Y, Yamashita T, Fukaya M, Sonoda T, Okuno T,Yamada K, Watanabe M, Nagashima Y, Aoki I, Okuda K, Mishina M, Kawamoto S:Delphilin: A novel PDZ- and Formin homology (FH)-domain containing protein,which interacts with glutamate receptor d2 subunit. J. Neurosci. 22:803-814, 2002. [PMID:11826110]
原著・総説 (2001)
Tsukada T, Watanabe M, Yamashima T: Implications of CAD and DNase II in ischemic neuronal necrosisspecific for the primate hippocampus. J. Neurochem. 79:1196-1206, 2001. [PMID:11752060]
Hashimoto K,Ichikawa R, Takechi H, Inoue Y, Aiba A, Sakimura K, Mishina M, Hashikawa T,Konnerth A, Watanabe M, Kano M: Roles of GluRd2 and mGluR1 in climbing fiber synapse elimination duringpostnatal cerebellar development. J. Neurosci. 21:9701-9712, 2001. [PMID:11739579]
Yamasaki M, Yamada K, Furuya S, Mitoma J, Hirabayashi Y, WatanabeM: 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (3PGDH), a key enzyme of L-serinebiosynthesis, is preferentially expressed in the radial glia/astrocyte lineageand olfactory ensheathing glia in the mouse brain. J. Neurosci. 21:7691-7704, 2001. [PMID:11567059]
Yamada K, Fukaya M, Shimizu H, Sakimura K, Watanabe M:NMDA receptor subunits GluRe1, GluRe3, and GluRz1 are enriched at the mossy fiber-granule cell synapse inthe adult mouse cerebellum. Eur. J. Neurosci. 13:2025-2036, 2001. [PMID:11422443]
Shimuta M, Yoshikawa M, Fukaya M, Watanabe M,Takeshima H, Manabe T: Postsynaptic modulation of AMPA receptor-mediatedsynaptic responses and LTP by the type 3 ryanodine receptor. Mol.Cell Neurosci. 17:921-930, 2001. [PMID:11358488]
Yamazaki M, Fukaya M, Abe M, Ikeno K, Kakizaki T, WatanabeM, Sakimura K: Differential palmitoylation of two mouse glutamate receptorinteracting protein 1 forms with different N-terminal sequences.Neurosci. Lett. 304:81-84, 2001. [PMID:11335060]
Kitayama K, Abe M, Kakizaki T, Honma D, Natsume R,Fukaya M, Watanabe M, Miyazaki J, Mishina M, Sakimura K: Purkinje cell-specificand inducible gene recombination system generated from C57BL/6 mouse ES cells. Biochem.Biophys. Res. Commun.281:1134-1140, 2001.[PMID:11243853]
Nakamura K, Manabe T, Watanabe M, Mamiya T, Sanbo M,Ichikawa R, Kiyama, Y, Inoue Y, Nabeshima T, Yagi T, Mori H, Mishina M:Enhancement of hippocampal LTP, reference memory and sensorymotor gating inmutant mice lacking a telencephalon-specific cell adhesion molecule. Eur.J. Neurosci. 13:179-189,2001. [PMID:11135016]